In a society consisted of imposters and fools, it is not the liars that people abhor most; instead, it is the ones who debunk the lies. — Plato
在騙子與傻子組成的社會,人們痛恨的不是騙子,是揭穿謊言的人。 — 柏拉圖
In a social system that is constituted of a band of imposters and fools, don’t you ever try to awaken the fools and to berate the liars; otherwise, the two groups will get closely together to act against you. — Guy Fawkes
在騙子與傻子組成的社會,不要試著叫醒傻子指責騙子,這兩群人會聯合起來對付你。 — 蓋,佛克斯